Display of Address

Code of Ordinances Sec. 15.36.110 and 15.26.120


 City Ordinance requires that address numbers be:

  • Displayed on all addressed structures
  • A minimum of 4 inches and not more than 28 inches in height
  • Of a color contrasting with the color of the structure
  • Visible from either direction of the street in all weather conditions, day or night.

Posting your address as required by ordinance is necessary to enable emergency services to locate your home or building quickly and efficiently. Failure to post your address as required is not only a violation of city ordinance, but could also cost precious, life-saving minutes.

Note: Address numbers posted on the mailbox or painted on the curb are NOT sufficient to meet the visibility requirements set by the ordinance.

For more information on the addressing requirements for your particular structure, contact the Code Enforcement Office at (512) 930-3606.

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